Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019
63 minutes
63 min., 33 min lunch

Period 1/5                           10:30-11:33
Period 2/6                           11:38-12:41
Lunch                                   12:41-1:14
Period 3/7                               1:19-2:22
Period 4/8                               2:27-3:30

1.   SSR 
        2.   Small groups: finish discussing “The Plague of Doves” using these questions (each group member records the group’s responses on their own sheet)
        3.   Whole class share out / discussion
HOMEWORK DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27: Finish the Plague of Doves questions

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019
92 minutes

1.   SSR work on finishing “The Plague of Doves”

        2.   Small groups: discuss “The Plague of Doves” using these questions (each group member records the group’s responses on their own sheet)

        3.   Whole class share out / discussion

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
92 minutes
1.   SSR 
             2.      Small groups: read your Flash Fiction prequel to “By the Waters of Babylon” to your group  
3.   Whole class read-around: choose a portion of your story that you are comfortable reading to the class (minimum of one sentence) and read it to the class. 
       4.   Hand out reading instructions and discuss next (and last) story of the unit: “The Plague of Doves” by Louise Erdrich
       5.   Background on Louise Erdrich: Interview  with Bill Moyers and NPR interview
       6.   Begin reading and/or working on vocabulary for “The Plague of Doves”

HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21: reading instructions for “The Plague of Doves” by Louise Erdrich

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019
76 minutes

1.   FORECASTING today

2.   SSR 

3.      Take survey: access code 'grant'   

     4.   Peer-Edit Prequel to “Babylon”

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019
92 minutes
1.   SSR 
2.   Today you will have time to work on writing your Flash Fiction prequel to “By the Waters of Babylon”. In Google Classroom, you will find the assignment requirements and tips for writing this piece.
3.   Review the assignment as a class and review the tips for writing this assignment.
4.   Use the remainder of the period to work on writing this assignment.

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, February 12:  Write a prequel to “By the Waters of Babylon” DUE IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
76 minutes
Today there is a forecasting information session in the auditorium at Flex

1.   SSR 
2.   Share “Babylon” homework in small groups
3.   Watch ending of Planet of the Apes and discuss its connection to “By the Waters of Babylon”
4.   Coming up: Flash Fiction assignment in which you write a prequel to “By the Waters of Babylon”
5.   Define Flash Fiction and look at elements of Flash Fiction
6.   Flash Fiction example: read “Crossing Spider Creek” and discuss how it incorporates these elements:
a.   Point of View
b.   Characterization
c.    Plot—inciting force, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
d.   Setting

HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, February 12:  Write a prequel to “By the Waters of Babylon”  This is an assignment in Google Classroom.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, February 4, 2019
92 minutes
1.   SSR / Mindful Studies demonstration  
2.   Pair-share: consider the ending of “An Ex-Mas Feast.” What happens at the end? What does the ending “mean?” (how are we to understand the ending of this story?) What does the ending suggest about how we should feel about the events of the story? 
3.   Whole-class: discuss these questions 
4.   Hand in the questions about "An Ex-Mas Feast" as well as the annotated story 
5.   Quick-write: Choose one of the following prompts:
a.   "Why Civilizations Disappear": 
Using what you know of world history, jot down some of the reasons why civilizations might disappear.  What role do people play in their destruction?
b.   Can you think of a time someone told you that the world is going to end or that our civilization is collapsing?   Make a list of these grave dangers to our way of life.  Also do you know anything about civilizations that have disappeared?  Why did they disappear?     
6.   Share out 
7.   Begin working on Homework 
HOMEWORK DUE WEDNESDAY, February 6: Read "By the Waters of Babylon" (also posted in Google Classroom) and answer the questions that are posted in Google Classroom