Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018
76 minutes
Learning Targets:
I can read and understand an academic argument
I can analyze cartoons for their underlying messages
I can discuss my ideas and listen to my classmates’ ideas

1.   SSR  (2nd period: no SSR)

         2.   2nd period: Small groups: share your commentaries from last time 

3.   Women in Cartoons:
Watch and discuss the portrayal of women in cartoons. Record your observations on this chart 

HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
92 minutes

1.   SSR  

        2.   2nd period: finish discussing/analyzing and then present Character and Appearance in Cartoons and begin writing a commentary about your observations and opinions on how these cartoon characters might teach a “secret education.” What is the “secret education” that could be promoted by these characters and the way they are depicted.

     3. 1st period: small groups: share your commentaries 

4.   1st period: Begin Women in Cartoons:
Watch and  discuss the portrayal of women in cartoons. Record your observations on this chart 

HOMEWORK due Friday, September 28:2nd period:  write a commentary about your observations and opinions on how these cartoon characters might teach a “secret education.” What is the “secret education” that could be promoted by these characters and the way they are depicted. 
1st period:Read your independent book for at least 30 minutes.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday, September 24, 2018
92 minutes
Learning Targets:
I can read and understand an academic argument
I can analyze cartoons for their underlying messages
I can discuss my ideas and listen to my classmates’ ideas

     1.   SSR 
     2.   Review comments that I recorded on the chart on Popeye Meets Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves    
     3.   Individually: write a one-page commentary (on the other side of the chart) 

     4.   Small groups: share your commentary 

     5.   Watch The Simpsons (18:35-22:30) spoof on Popeye and the 40 Thieves

     6.   Character and Appearance in Cartoons:
A.                  Small groups (3-4) observe and discuss packet of cartoon pictures.
B.                  Discuss the personality qualities of the characters (based on what you know about these characters from your own knowledge about these characters) and write 3-4 of these qualities on the inside of the figures. Then discuss the physical characteristics/appearances and write 3-4 on the outside of the figures. Then, write a hashtag analysis to create a generalization of their findings. (As a class, define hashtag, give examples.) Past examples include #onlyblondesneedapply, #littlenosescatchtheguy, etc.
C.                  Groups share their pictures, comments, and hashtags on the document camera.
D.                 Write a page-long commentary on the “secret education” that might be implied in these cartoons.

HOMEWORK: 1st period ONLY: write a commentary about your observations and opinions on how these cartoon characters might teach a “secret education.” What is the “secret education” that could be promoted by these characters and the way they are depicted? Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018
Race Forward
69 minutes
Learning Targets:
I can read and understand an academic argument
I can analyze cartoons for their underlying messages
I can discuss my ideas and listen to my classmates’ ideas

     1.   SSR 

     2.   Complete the chart on Popeye Meets Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves    

     3.   Small groups: share and compare/add to your charts on Popeye 

     4.   Whole class discussion: individuals from each group share their charts while I record your observations on the overhead 

     5.   Individually: write a one-page commentary (on the other side of the chart) 

HOMEWORK: Finish your commentary and read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018
92 minutes
Learning Targets:
I can read and understand an academic argument
I can analyze cartoons for their underlying messages
I can discuss my ideas and listen to my classmates’ ideas

     1.   Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook handed out and discussed (Vice Principal Mitacek)
     2.   SSR

     3.   Free-write: What are your favorite cartoons?  Make a list. Also, what are some lessons you learned about life from your favorite cartoons? 

     4.   In pairs, share your free-writes. 

     5.   Read  and take notes on Ariel Dorfman’s excerpt from The Empire’s Old Clothes

  6.               Charting Cartoons: Students watch and take notes on chart on Popeye Meets Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves (About 17 minutes)   

HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018
92 Minutes

     1.   Check out the classroom blog! 

     2.   Complete Grant Magazine masculinity survey (see link on the blog) 

     3.   SSR 

     4.   Reminder about Generals LEAD:
Learn: Live to learn
Engage: Engage with purpose
Advocate: Advocate for self and others
Demonstrate: Demonstrate your passion

Review the LEAD norms that we developed last time
Look at the sample LEAD chart 

5.       Watch Brene Brown on Empathy

Pair-share: Discuss how empathy could be connected to any of the LEAD categories. Share out with class. 

     6.   Finish read-around of Making Sense of the Summer poem. (hand in your poem) 

     7.   Get PSAT booklets and information: Review the English portions of the test 
PSAT test will be given to all sophomores on Wednesday, October 10

HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Grant Magazine Masculinty Survey

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Sophomore English
76 minutes

     1.   Name tents / roll               
     2.   Check out the classroom blog! 

     3.   SSR 

     4.   Reminder about Generals LEAD:
1.   Learn: Live to learn
2.   Engage: Engage with purpose
3.   Advocate: Advocate for self and others
4.   Demonstrate: Demonstrate your passion

5. As a class, develop classroom norms: brainstorm teacher and student responsibilities for each category in LEAD and create a list.

HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018
Sophomore English
92 minutes

     1.   Name tents / roll               
     2.   Check out the classroom blog! 

     3.   Reminder about classroom procedures / expectations:
-- 4 hall passes / instructions on using passes and signing out
--supplies for this class: composition notebook, folder/binder dedicated to this class, notebook paper, pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters
--Phones/technology: must be turned off and in backpack (not pocket)
--bring a book to class every day for SSR        

     4.   SSR 

     5.  Discuss and Develop classroom norms

     6.   Hand in your Making Sense of the News poem. We will share these on Wednesday.

HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018
Sophomore English
92 minutes

     1.   Name tents / roll              

     2.   Check out the classroom blog!

     3.   Reminder about classroom procedures / expectations:
-- 4 hall passes / instructions on using passes and signing out
--supplies for this class: composition notebook, folder/binder dedicated to this class, notebook paper, pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters
--Phones/technology: must be turned off and in backpack (not pocket)
--bring a book to class every day for SSR         

     4.   SSR 

     5.   In Google Classroom, begin working on “Making Sense of the Summer” assignment. Here is the sheet with links to the news stories

Period 1 code: jpulke
Period 2 code: db60rt
--once everyone is in Google Classroom, read the instructions together and clarify/answer questions about the assignment. 

     6.   Individually, look through the offerings and read some articles. Choose one that you will write a poem about and begin listing/brainstorming for your poem

     7.   HOMEWORK DUE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: Write and polish your “Making Sense of Summer” poem

Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Sophomore English
92 minutes

     1.   Name tents / roll               
     2.   Reminder about classroom procedures / expectations:
-- 4 hall passes / instructions on using passes and signing out
--supplies for this class: composition notebook, folder/binder dedicated to this class, notebook paper, pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters
--Phones/technology: must be turned off and in backpack (not pocket)
--bring a book to class every day for SSR         
     3.   Community Building: “Name Toss”

     4.   Go to library to check out SSR book 
     5.   SSR 
     6.   Small groups: Read Random Autobiography poem. Choose at least one person to read their whole poem to the whole class  
     7.   Whole class: hear at least one poem from each group 
     8.   Hand in your poem
     9.   HOMEWORK: Read for at least 30 minutes from your SSR book